The Village Panchayat of Dramapur-Sirlim is situated in the Salcete Taluka of South Goa District, Velim Constituency. It has a population of 4285, with 1980 males and 2305 female population. The Panchayat consists of 7 wards and has 07 elected representatives. (Male 04, Female 03). There are 34 households of SC and 130 households of STs. The Panchayat has 1 Govt. primary school and middle school under one roof, with an enrollment of 54 students. There are 3 AWC with 52 children. There is one Sub Health Centre and also one Post Office. The twin villages has Dramapur hills on the Eastern side and has one river on the Southern side namely Sal, Fresh water ponds and two lakes. In the twin Villages as per our survey there are Diabetics 431 nos., Heart Patients 65 nos. and Handicapped16 nos. The distance between the Sub Health Centre and the Panchayat is about 500 metres, the distance between the Hospicio Hospital and the Panchayat is 9 Kms. The major source of income for the Panchayat is the house tax, fees, and grant –in- aid and other grants. The Village Panchayat consist of two revenue Villages of Dramapur Village and Sirlim Village. The village Panchayat of Dramapur-Sirlim is surrounded by East – San Jose Areal Panchayat West – River Sal, Talaulim and Varca Panchayat North – Navelim Panchayat South – Sarzora and Chinchinim- Deussua Panchayat We are proud to also state that we have Dramapur hills with varieties of birds and Animals on the eastern side with famous Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Cross on top of the hill. The river Sal is famous with two minor ports where traditional sail boats used to bring goods in ancestral times. Main basic profession of the villagers is mostly agriculture and Artisans. Our vision is to make Dramapur-Sirlim village as a model village for all without destroying and diminishing the natural resources and scenetic natural beauty and our aim is to make “Nitol Dramapur-Sirlim Village”.

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